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Engels, Friedrich
Om Afghanistan / Friedrich Engels
Anti Duhring Federico Engels
Anarchici e marxisti L`Alleanza della democrazia social. e l`Assoc. intern. degli operai : Guida alla lettura Friedrich Engels, Paul Lafargue, Karl Marx ; A cura di Gian Mario Bravo ; Trad. di Antonio Bernieri
Die II. Internationale und der 1. Mai Friedrich Engels ; Inst. f?r Marxismus-Leninismus beim ZK der SED
El origen de la familia, la propiedad privada y el estado F. Engels
La concezione materialistica della storia Guida alla lettura Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels ; A cura di Nicolao Merker
La questione delle abitazioni Guida alla lettura Friedrich Engels ; A cura di Antonio A. Santucci ; Trad. di Rinaldo Sanna
Marx & Engels on literature & art A selection of writings Ed. by Lee Baxandall & Stefan Morawski ; Introd. by Stefan Morawski
Mit gewandter Feder Publizistische Kostbarkeiten aus f?nf Jahrzehnten Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels ; Zsgest. u. eingel. von Heinrich u. Hilde Gemkow
Marxist social thought A comprehensive a. systematic statement of Marx`s social theories, sel. from his own writings a. from the writings of Engels Ed., with introd. notes, by Robert Freedman ; Introd. by Jerome Balmuth
Socialism Utopian a. sci. By Frederick Engels
Sur la r?volution fran?aise ?crit de Marx et Engels : Athologie Publ. sous la resp. de Claude Mainfroy ; Introd. choix des textes et appareil: Claude Mainfroy
Sulle origini del cristianesimo Friedrich Engels ; Pref. di Ambrogio Donini ; Trad. di Fausto Codino
Socialismens udvikling fra utopi til videnskab Friedrich Engels
Selected writings Engels ; Ed. a. introd. by W. O. Henderson
The communist manifesto Karl Marx a. Friedrich Engels ; Introd. by Francis B. Randall ; Transl. by Samuel Moore ; Ed. by Joseph Katz
The German revolutions The Peasant war in Germany a. Germany: Revolution and counter-revolution Friedrich Engels ; Ed. a. with introd. by Leonard Krieger
The Marx - Engels reader Ed. by Robert C. Tucker
The origin of the family, private property, and the state By Frederick Engels ; Introd. by Evelyn Reed
The Russian menace to Europe A coll. of art., speeches, letters a. news dispatches .by Karl Marx a. Friedrich Engels ; Sel. a. ed. by Paul W. Blackstock a. Bert F. Hoselitz
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